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- 12 Mindsets for Ultimate Success
12 Mindsets for Ultimate Success
Master these concepts for guaranteed success and happiness
Happy Saturday Morning!
Here is your dose of growth mindset training for the week, so let’s dive in.
I wanted to share about a common problem I see amongst the most successful, multi-millionaires I know.
Like them, I know many of you are focused on hitting your next level of success.
Think about the last one that you reached. We all that moment… it feels amazing (feeling proud, successful, validated, enough).

Ps. Fun fact. I am a huge LEO fan. The cinematography in this film was insane.
But do you ever notice that once that moment passes, you are already moving onto the next?
Success feels like a never ending, moving target.
I hear it all the time from the most successful people I know. I AM RICH BUT STILL UNHAPPY.
You think by hitting the next one, you will feel more fulfilled and happier. You keep chasing more but to be honest, it never feels like enough. You never really “get there.”
This is a detrimental way of thinking because you are subconsciously telling yourself that you are a “failure” constantly. Reinforcing that limiting belief even though your reality says otherwise.
Do you really want to go through life feeling like this? (Trust me it sucks).
The truth is, with more money and success you are STILL the exact same person. Your problems don’t suddenly disappear.
So I wanted to share 12 essential mindset shifts that will boost your success, unlock your greatest human potential while increasing your fulfillment, peace and happiness.
Think Bigger
We all have blindspots.
Where are you still placing limitations on your success?
You must understand that the limitations you are putting on money & success because you have chosen these at some point in your life.
So focus on dropping the imposter syndrome and stop doubting your capabilities
Expand what you believe is possible..
What you believe you are capable of and what you believable is available will be the foundation for the type of wealth & success you will create.
Cause & Effect
I don't believe in luck.
You are the only one that can create your ultimate success.
Take 100% ownership of your mind, emotions, actions & strategies.
Everything is a downstream based on the quality of your mind.
By working with the 95% of your subconscious mind, you increase your surface area for “luck” aka success.
Understand control
You cannot control others & external circumstances.
Accept that you can only control yourself.
The more you understand yourself, the more you can understand others.
This gives you the greatest control to influence your environments & outcomes.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional decision making will be the deficiency of your business (& life).
Negative emotional states block critical thinking, creativity, happiness and drains energy for execution.
The best decisions are always made in clear, non judgemental, calm states.
A negative mind will never give you a positive life
Your mind is a supercomputer that is always listening.
Negative thoughts lead to negative states.
Negative states lead to:
Suboptimal decisions
Low confidence
All impact execution and ultimately results.
Practice Detachment
Hold the vision for the goal.
Take daily action.
The more you detach your identity from the outcome (money and success), the faster you will take action and the more peace you will have on the journey.
Your results are NOT YOUR IDENTITY. It’s a byproduct of you. This distinction is crucial for happiness.
Get out of scarcity loops
Our brains & society are naturally dialed towards scarcity.
The truth is there is endless opportunities for wealth.
Money is being printed everyday.
Money will never truly "run out".
Reprogram the subconscious fear loops that keep you risk averse because you have to be open to larger calculated risks to make bigger jumps into your next level.
Be present
Learn from the past, live in the present and believe in your future.
Yesterday is done.
You can only plan (control) so much of your future.
Don't get stuck in either.
Focus on being present.
Action in this moment is the only thing hat will shape your future.
The "SO WHAT" mentality is key.
Nothing is a big deal.
Rejection, failure, set backs are just part of the process.
It's not personal.
Stop internalizing them.
Nothing has meaning until you assign it.
Understand this is a CHOICE you get to make.
Stop people pleasing
You are worried about what others may think or say about you ..
So you spend most of your energy overextending yourself to clients & your team, trying to conserve your self perception.
This creates a lot of anxiety, worry, overthinking & stunts your ability to create success as you stay small to keep everyone happy.
This is quite frankly exhausting as hell.
The only one that suffers is you.
Build money EQ.
Money is a neutral resource.
Rewire your toxicity with money.
The fear, guilt and shame.
When you can neutralize the money anxiety, you can create conscious, new choices so that you can make the best decisions to leverage your current wealth to create MORE.
Understand Perceived Consequences
Key Question:
What are the consequences of achieving more success, money and visibility?
There is a perceived consequence > potential benefit.
Greater sacrifice, isolation ...
This will keep you in sabotaging patterns & ultimately block success.
There is a reason you don’t want more (subconsciously).
That’s a wrap friends!
These 12 concepts have changed my life personally in unbelievable ways and I know if you focus on them, they will be life changing for you too.
Love Kyra x
Ps. If you are wanting more support, here is how we can work together
Hypnotherapy Designed for CEOs: Design your winning CEO mindset. With multi-millions in client wins, I work with CEOs to cut burnout & stress by 50%+. Breakthrough mental bottlenecks & income glass ceilings. Boost your emotional edge & performance. Amplify success. Magnify happiness. Apply HERE.