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- How to Become Extremely Lucky
How to Become Extremely Lucky
Finally become one of "THOSE" people
Do you ever notice that for some people it seems like:
amazing opportunities land in their lap
everything flows
they always win
they get free things

Trust me, I used to wonder about this too…
I used to believe I was “unlucky”.
I never won anything. Few “lucky” opportunities came along.
I always felt others had a leg up.
Once I shifted these TWO life changing mindsets (that I am of course sharing today with you), it literally 10x my "LUCK".
I started landing big opportunities.
Amazing connections started “finding me.”
I am making more money that ever before, doing what I absolutely love with dream clients (these people are freaking awesome).
I started getting literally thousands of dollars of free things & experiences handed to me.
I even started to WIN things (last week I got a call that I won a 60 minute massage from a raffle I forgot I entered).
Life feels incredibly abundant now and I know I am extremely lucky.
So what changed?
Here is what you need to know …
So there was study done by Dr. Richard Wiseman, author of the Luck Factor.
He asked a group of people if they believed they were lucky or not.
He then did a “test” with a $100 bill on laying on the ground.
All those who claimed to be lucky found the $100.
But those did not, didn’t find it.
So why does this happen?
So there are 2 important trends I have seen in my clients that always seem to “get lucky” with crazy success …
Before we dive in, you first have to understand why you may be “unlucky”.
One reason why “unlucky people” are unlucky ..
Is that they are focused on:
What’s not working
Negative self talk
Limiting beliefs
Basically their head is down, brooding in negativity, literally failing to see the opportunities around them!
The science behind this is that you are being inundated with millions of bits of info every single second but your brain can only process 128 bps.
To gain a better understanding, this one conversation is 40 bits. If you have 3 people the rest of your reality is …
Furthermore, your brain is a prediction machine and it’s looking for danger ALL THE TIME to keep you safe.
So if you are
Burnt out
Most of your brain capacity is used up dealing with these states, generally making incorrect assumptions based on your past.
Once again the rest of your environment becomes invisible.
In both scenarios, your brain is in overdrive in SURVIVAL STATES and you will miss big opportunities for success that may literally be right in front of you.
And since your brain is so smart, when you miss out and you lean into CONFIRMATION BIAS that you are “unlucky”! So stay in this crappy old loop forever while in reality, in many instances have the exact same opportunity as the “lucky” person.
So in order to become “LUCKY” you need to remove these negative states that eat up your precious mental capacity so you can see new opportunities.
This is why many of my clients unlock new revenue opportunities with weeks of working together because their baseline state is no longer in survival and their head if finally out of the gutter.

Remember, if you cannot see the opportunity to you, you cannot take advantage them.
The second reason is critical and it comes down to your SELF WORTH.
You may be thinking, that your self worth aka confidence is fine but if you have prevailing
Negative thoughts
Self Doubt
Here is why you are likely missing out.
In childhood, you learn that you are only worthy when you are achieving and being perfect. That is when you were validated, loved and seen.
So you start to subconsciously learn that you are only worthy when you are achieving, performing, essentially meeting expectations of loved ones and society.
Otherwise you are worthless and not good enough.
So how does this connect now?
Do you ever say things like
I will be happy when …
I will do that for myself when …
Notice it’s all conditional. You have programmed that since you are not “there yet” you are not worthy to choose to have it/do it/be it.
So what happens is that you stop yourself
From bigger opportunities
From taking more risks
From thinking bigger
From acting bigger
So you choose to miss out since you “are not worthy yet” and once again, you are “unlucky”.
Your self worth is not aligned with your next level so you actively sabotage and don’t create it.
So the big question… HOW DO YOU CHANGE THIS?!
You need two shifts to happen to reprogram being unlucky:
Eliminate negative states (aka rewire your brain away from fear, anxiety, pain) so your brain’s capacity to see an abundance of opportunity.
Confidence Boost. You need to see yourself as someone who is lucky, abundant, opportunistic (identity shift)! Someone who in facts closes big deals, wins big in life & is not bogged down by the limiting beliefs that keep people on average much smaller than their fullest potential. If you truly believe you can, so you go after life in a BIG way, so your surface area for luck naturally will increase.
**More opportunities = more chances for luck.
Fastest way to reprogram your mind to turn on serious luck: HYPNOSIS.
I wanted to leave you with a takeaway exercise for today’s mini training, for you to take inventory on:
What opportunities are you still putting off that you feel “not good enough yet for”?
Create a list of small actions that you can take towards it (“habits” )
Then take those small actions daily
This helps to build "confidence and momentum” towards your next big goal, helping your brain build evidence that it is “possible for you”
The more confidence & momentum, the faster you will get there
Let’s get the ball rolling!
As always a quote for you to ponder.
“When you’re bending reality, your vision is continuously pulling you forward—but it doesn’t feel like work. It feels like a game, a game you love to play.”
PS. If you are ready to turn on your luck for good and learn to train your mind to unlock even greater opportunities (essentially operating at your fullest potential), book a call here. Join my clients who have generated literally more money (multi millions in wins) and are genuinely happier human beings FINALLY.