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- Become Immune to Negative Thinking
Become Immune to Negative Thinking
Crush negativity for good
Did you know that it takes 5 positive thoughts to outweigh a negative one?
That is why positive thinking can be extremely challenging.

Especially when society conditions you to have a natural bias towards survival states.
This means your brain is wired for fear and failure because it thinks it's keeping you safe.
So when you think:
"What if it doesn't work?"
"What if I can't do it?"
"What if I lose everything?"
“What if I mess it up?”
This triggers a cascade of negative thoughts, one after another, layer after layer.
All negative.
Cue: Armageddon Mind.
Now understanding the 5:1 ratio, imagine climbing out of that hole of negativity.
Your mind has been hijacked & your body is now inundated with negative emotions …
So you are left feeling completely disempowered, insecure, anxious, overwhelmed, and worried.
This is precisely why affirmations do not work.
In essence, the power of a positive thought cannot outweigh the anchor of a negative one.
So now you may be wondering how can you master positive thinking.
I am going to share with you the ONE thing you must do, so you don't make the mistake 99% of people are making today.
Now this is the MAGIC KEY.
Negative thoughts don't come out of nowhere.
Your thoughts come from a belief.
Belief = Thought = Emotions = Behavior = Outcome
So trying to change your “thoughts” is useless and this is precisely where most people go wrong.
They try to change their thought, but the thought isn't the problem.
You have to go deeper.
The catalyst that creates the thought.
The real root cause.
You have a belief problem.
So, no matter how many times you try to “replace the thought”, you feel negativity, even though you logically know you shouldn't.
This is also why awareness is not enough.
I have so many clients who come to me after years of therapy & mindset coaching, knowing their problems but having trouble changing their behavior and ultimately their reality.
99% of people struggle with positive thinking because their belief system is flawed.
It's flawed due to their limiting beliefs, which are unconscious decisions made in childhood that put them automatically in a disempowered state in their present-day reality.
The reason why those limiting subconscious programs create disempowered states is that those beliefs are always associated with pain or consequence.
This is why all negative thinking leads to expecting the worst to happen, as if something is right around the corner, often rooted in the fear of failure and rejection.
So you get in your head, paralyzed by the negativity which typically leads to regular self-sabotage & “less than your potential” execution.
Falling short once again and it’s frustrating AF.
Which also perpetuates the negativity problem.
Ready to stop that exhausting pattern?
This is the simple formula to rid negativity forever:
Limiting beliefs = negative thoughts = negative emotions = sabotaging behaviors = a stuck reality
Empowering beliefs = positive thoughts = positive emotions = decisive action = a new reality
This is where hypnosis comes in, as this targets rewiring your belief system so that negative thoughts won’t even touch you.
The power of hypnosis is required as you can easily access the subconscious mind.
Why is that important? Your subconscious holds your beliefs which influences your behaviour.
So not only is that little disempowered voice in your head going to disappear, but you will also stop the self-sabotage and unlock your greatest potential for success in truly all areas of your life.
Many of my clients are shocked that their negative thinking just bounces off, reflecting as fast as they come in.
They start to experience confidence, high self-esteem, an abundant mindset, setting boundaries, being present, feeling happy, fulfilled, and peaceful, and taking massive action, all due to changing their beliefs.
In summary, their baseline state of being (consciousness) has increased.
You have to remove the root before you can feel complete empowerment & conviction in yourself, for total control and ownership of creating your future.
This is why you must reprogram your mind if you are determined to win in this game of life, playing powerfully and doing it with happiness and fulfillment too.
Ready to reprogram your mind? APPLY HERE.