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How your Childhood Experiences Limit Your Success
4 Expensive Habits that are Costing You Revenue
Believe it or not, your childhood will limit how successful you will ultimately become and we are going to dive into 4 expensive habits that block you from your full potential (and more revenue).

These 4 have held my clients back and will cost you a lot as an entrepreneur as they lead to self sabotaging new opportunities and suboptimal execution for next level results in your business.
So let’s dive in.
Your work is never good enough.
Your standards are impossibly high.
Even when you receive positive validation, you question it.
You can be extremely critical of yourself and of others.
People pleasing is second nature. as conflict is your kryptonite.
You do everything in your power to preserve your self image.
Constantly seeking validation, wanting to be liked.
You procrastinate, saying you will do it tomorrow.
Alternatively if things don’t go perfectly in the day, you throw in the towel feeling defeated.
You are always anxious, working yourself into the ground, trying to make it perfect but guess what, you will never get there.
Exhausting, right? So why does this happen …
You were only celebrated, “seen” and loved when you got straight A’s, won gold, came first.
Subconsciously you only believe you are worthy, valuable or loved when you are being perfect. This is particularly difficult if there was physical abuse tied to this.
The pressure to maintain “perfection” causes extreme stress, anxiety and low confidence.
You fall into people pleasing, overextending yourself, picking yourself apart and ultimately feeling resentful, fearful and insecure.
When you are “not perfect” (this is impossible to do 100% of the time), you deep down fear that something is wrong with you.
And if something is wrong with you, you can’t possible be loved.
Believe it not, you just want to be loved and accepted. It’s a basic need in the Maslow’s Hierarchy.
You overthink everything.
Over & over again.
Looking at every possibility.
Mostly how it will go wrong.
You lose a lot of time in trying to make the "right" decision.
In fear you will make the "wrong" one.
You don't trust yourself.
It's hard to trust others as well (affects delegation and quality communication)
You were ridiculed for making a mistake (fear of failure).
The associated pain (subconsciously) is so high, that you procrastinate on decision making since if you make the wrong move, the "pain" will occur again.
As humans, we avoid pain at all possible costs.
You have a plenty of self doubt.
Your self esteem and confidence are low.
You don't truly believe you will create that kind of success (it won’t happen for you).
You are always comparing yourself.
You block new opportunities because you don't believe you are worthy.
The reason you block them is that you don’t believe they are available to you or you don’t believe you can truly attain it, so you don’t even create the opportunity to go after it.
You were the second best child, the less popular friend, always being compared to someone.
You also may have been reprimanded or ridiculed for “being you”.
For being creative, weird, quirky etc
Self exploration was shut down.
Therefore it’s not safe to fully express yourself, doubting your own (genius) ideas.
So subconsciously you don’t believe you are worthy or good enough to make it happen.
Deep down you feel like something is wrong with you.
Aka. Good old "not good enough" belief.
Deep down you believe money and your luck with run out.
You feel money stress, no matter how much you make.
You have a hard time keeping money.
You procrastinate on big decision in your business.
You feel this nagging pressure to sustain the success & lifestyle you have created.
Furthermore, there is a growing, insurmountable pressure and responsibility the more you create.
Money programming was created by:
- Living paycheck to paycheck
- Fights around money
- Negative talk around money
- Fear, shame and guilt around money
- Made mistakes with money
You subconsciously belief money is bad or there is a consequence associated with it.
The reality is that all four of these costly habits are rooted in SURVIVAL MODE.
When you are in survival (burnout, anxiety, overwhelm, negativity etc) you are not primed to truly win.
It’s impossible to make the best decisions for your business when you are battling with your own mind.
It is not sustainable. So even if you hit success a few times, you may lose it all because your survival mode kicks in = self sabotaging behaviours.
So how do you switch from Survival to Growth mode?
You have two choices:
Repetition: Long & Painful process
Hypnosis: Fast but Technical
So how does hypnosis work?
No, Hypnotherapy is NOT a circus trick.
Yes it’s rooted in neuroscience.
It allows you to tap into your subconscious mind.
Which is 95% of how any person functions.
With Hypnotherapy we rewire the root cause through:
positive suggestions
The goal?
Transforming Pain to Pleasure.
This is how you:
Generate Mindset Currency™
Rewire your subconscious programs
Get rid of patterns that sabotage success & happiness.
Remember: Symptoms don’t disappear if you don’t address the root cause.
You can be in awareness of your problems but not be able to truly change your behaviours because they are subconscious.
Lastly as always, a quote to ponder:
“We’re addicted to our beliefs; we’re addicted to the emotions of our past. We see our beliefs as truths, and not as ideas that we can change.”
Ps. If you are wanting more support, here is how we can connect:
Learn more about the Mindset Currency™ Program & Kyra HERE
Hypnotherapy Designed for CEOs: Design your winning CEO mindset. With multi-millions in client wins, I work with CEOs to cut burnout & stress by 50%+. Breakthrough mental bottlenecks & income glass ceilings. Boost your emotional edge & performance. Amplify success. Magnify happiness. Apply HERE.