Your Fear of Success - Part 3

Don't Let your Fear of Success Stop You in 2024

Today we are diving into Part 3 of How the Fear of Success Will Hold You Back (In case you missed it, here are Part 1 and Part 2)

The final part has to do with the pesky VALIDATION loop you all know too well.

  • You care what people think about you

  • You feel that you need to maintain a “persona” of being perfect, hiding parts of yourself to be liked and accepted

  • You feel that you need to PROVE yourself to show that you “made it”

To your family, friends, loved ones, clients, and strangers …

Your subconscious desire for approval generates self-imposed pressures, resulting in self sabotage, anxiety and burnout.

The consequence? You inadvertently bypass your true potential for success.

So how does this manifest?

You know the excuses, they are all too familiar ⁠…

  • “I will do it later”⁠

  • “It’s not ready” ⁠

  • “What if it doesn't work?”⁠

  • “What if they think you are stupid?”

Day in and day out, these thoughts feel so normal.

You procrastinate but you rationalize these excuses.

But these are not just excuses⁠. This runs much deeper. ⁠

This confirms a belief of “I will fail, so I won't try” ⁠everytime you don’t take action. Accepting these thoughts as truth. 

This reinforces your identity of: "YOU ARE A FAILURE"⁠ which is why you feel disempowered and stuck. 

And the truth is no one likes failure. 

Society teaches you that success is the pinnacle. When you get straight A’s, win gold, are the smartest, prettiest, successful.. You are seen, loved and celebrated by your family, loved ones, teachers, society ... You are validated. Affirmed. It feels really good.

So when that isn't happening… When you fail, don’t win, fail a test, you are broke, you don’t get the promotion etc… There is something wrong with you. That you aren’t as good as others. That you are a loser. Failure is associated with negative emotions and pain.

You were not shown the same love when you failed (in childhood). You were likely even criticized and felt guilt and shame. 

The same love wasn’t available. It was conditional. 

So you learn, to be loved there is a condition. That your worth was conditional on performance or appearance. You are only safe if you are validated or approved by others.

This nuanced, subconscious programming becomes firmly embedded and starts to express itself as an automatic sequence of thoughts by adulthood, leading to sabotaging mechanisms such as perfectionist tendencies, people-pleasing behavior, criticism, overthinking, worrying, anxiety, paralysis, and procrastination.

Since your subconscious has decided that failure = danger = pain, this means that you will do anything to avoid the “potential failure” to maintain the image that you believe is “lovable and acceptable”.

This is why the thought of failure brings immense feelings of fear, embarrassment, and shame, causing you to be hyper-critical of yourself for not “being there already".

This ultimately creates the “paralysis” that prevents you from taking the action necessary towards your goals.

So how can you succeed and overcome this mental obstacle to achieve your true realized success and happiness?


In this scenario, your self-worth (self perception) is not aligned for complete success and your fear of success is in fact, a fear of failure.

You fear failure because you subconsciously believe that you aren't good enough “yet” to be successful.

So when you reprogram the belief that you aren’t good enough, you will be free from the fear of failure and all the doubts associated with it.

Through hypnosis, you can access root events, that eliminate these detrimental behavioral patterns as we are working with the 95% of your mind that influences your behaviors.

You can eliminate limiting beliefs through visualization - dissociation - and positive suggestion, all while in theta brain wave states.

This creates new empowering beliefs using the power of neuroplasticity, meaning we can change your behavior for good.

New behavior = new realized success  

In English: you reframe your past pain as POWER  

So when you no longer fear failure or success …

You move towards convicted success without hesitation and finally break through your self imposed glass ceiling of the success you truly deserve.

In essence, you are changing your identity to be the person you want to become today. 

You all know it’s about being it, then seeing it. That is the key 

Ready to access your superior mind designed for success? APPLY HERE

As always, a quote for you to ponder.

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

Chinese Proverb