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- Your Glass Ceiling Problem
Your Glass Ceiling Problem
The subconscious money rollercoaster .. are you on it?
Everyone wants financial freedom aka STABILITY. Consistency in their income.
But are you on the money rollercoaster?
Where it feels like you can’t seem to hold onto it, no matter how much you generate?
There are 3 mindset blocks that are associated with this phenomenon. Today we will be looking at one that came up yesterday on a strategy call …
So a common pattern I see in both clients and entrepreneurs I know, hit their greatest success ever ..
First 7 figures
Highest Cash Month Ever
Most successful launch
Biggest contract signed
It’s EPIC!
Then they are hit with some sort of traumatic event …
Death in the family
Heartbreak, Divorce
Personal Health Issues (cancer, heart attack, gut health, skin issues, illness)
Struggles in your biz, could’t handle the expansion
Under delivery to clients, vendors, where they fell short
Extreme overwhelm, anxiety spirals, depression ..
Then they seem to find themselves in a plateau…
Even worse, they are back to where they started or maybe if they are lucky, slightly better off. Essentially, they “lose it all”.

I have had clients come to me, all with the same story, losing their first multiple 6 or 7 figures…
So how does this impact your future?
So one of 3 things will happen …
You are unaffected and you continue to create epic success
You are affected and you are able to create it amazing success again but have a pattern of somehow falling short or sabotaging it all together (aka losing it all). You are back to where you started.
You are affected and you are just unable to create it again
If you are in camp 2 or 3, keep reading.
A new connection (subconscious program) has now formed.
I have worked with many clients with the same story. Also note, even IF you are not yet generating 7 figures+ but are noticing this pattern in your life, something good then something bad happens.. this will apply to you too. (Better to fix it now, then wait until you have more to lose.)
This is the story of a classic upper limit block.
You can’t seem to breakthrough to your next level of income and success and even if you do, you have an impossible time sustaining it.
So what has now been programmed in your mind is that INCREDIBLE SUCCESS is associated with A LOT OF PAIN.
If you have been following me for a while, as humans we will DO ANYTHING TO AVOID PAIN.
For example, you want to have a secure, loving relationship..
But you deep down fear potential heart break .. of letting someone in, then only to be rejected and left super hurt and alone. You then start dodging their calls, make excuses to be busy, don’t let them get to close and have all your defences up…
And if they leave, you were right .. right?
In this scenario, your protection mechanism will keep you pushing the person away. You are self sabotaging to your detriment, even though the thing that you want the most is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.
Remember, it’s not about what you logically want. You of course want more money and success. But what matters is what your subconscious program is running about money and success, that determines your behaviours aka current world reality.
So when you are in survival mode, you cannot take advantage of the opportunities that are right in front of you.
Now the program & association is that the BIGGER THE OPPORTUNITY = BIGGER THE PAIN.
Remember, your brain is really smart. It will do anything to protect you. So no matter how. much you consciously think you want success, your subconscious will block you from moving towards it.
Here are some real world examples in clients:
Leaving 6 and 7 figure contracts for brand expansions in their inboxes, in fear they can’t deliver because they have failed before and they were worried about their reputation
Undercharging for services and in negotiations
Almost getting the next big deal and it ALWAYS falling through
Fear of launching their next product or service offering
So with my clients, we focus on reprogramming that pain of success so it no longer exists. No longer keeps you trapped.
The truth is, you cannot reprogram upper limits without using working with your subconscious mind through hypnosis.
And once these upper limits are removed ..,
This is how my clients break into next income levels, 2-4x their revenue, scaling to up to 9 figures.
“If you want to change the fruits, you have to change the roots.”
In any case, if you are ready to finally breakthrough to your success glass ceiling and get off the money rollercoaster, you can apply to work with me HERE.
I will build a custom mindset strategy to map out all of your current blocks with a surgeon like quality to get to your unique root problems. Then with my Mindset Currency™ framework using hypnosis and other neuroscience techniques, we will reprogram your money and success blocks to accelerate your success.
Ps. Happy Saturday!