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- Your Glass Ceiling Problem (Part 2 - Money Edition)
Your Glass Ceiling Problem (Part 2 - Money Edition)
Has your success plateaued?
Super excited to dive in today as we continue the series on the ELUSIVE GLASS CEILING PROBLEM (Part 2 - Money Edition).
So if you are anything like many of my clients that start with me that have been in a PLATEAU for a little while, keep reading …

This is a common pattern I see with successful entrepreneurs, where they can’t seem to breakthrough to their “Next Level”, even while “taking all the action.”
You keep hitting a range with money. Where it never goes lower than “$x” but never goes higher than “$y”.
This is the story of a classic upper limit block with MONEY.
You can’t seem to breakthrough to your next level of income and success and even if you do, you have a hard time sustaining it.
So what is happening now is that your money story is firing off essentially saying, if you make more money, there will be consequences.
Illogical I know. Of course you want more money but here is the thing..
If you have been following me for a while, you know what I am about to say.
As humans you will not move towards outcomes where there are consequences. So you will either stay where you are, or you will actually start moving away from it.
Hence the plateau gets created.
You believe at the next level of wealth, there is a consequence waiting for you, so here is what “could” happen to you:
You are afraid that you will be judged by friends, family, employees because even though you have every right to, you are ashamed to roll up in the Porsche, wear the diamond Rolex or rock those Chanel sneakers. If you tend to “want to be liked or care what people think” this one is going to matter to you.
People will want something from you because now you are rich, people coming out of the woodwork wanting to “use you”
Money will change you. You will become a selfish, greedy person. Who do you think you are?
You will have to sacrifice more to get it and sustain it and quite frankly, you are already super tired and not that happy, you don’t have a life.
You will be further isolated, working yourself into the ground. You are short with your spouse. You rarely spend time with your kids. Burnt out AF.
That people will think you are greedy, how did you get so rich? You obviously took advantage of less fortunate
You will probably lose it all, since you are “irresponsible” with money. Are you capable of handling that type of money?
What if you can’t handle it and let everyone down?
And so on …
As you can see, the consequences of having more money outweigh the perceived benefit, so you will subconsciously start to sabotage your next level success.
So how does this ultimately impact your revenue? Here are just a few examples I have seen across clients:
You will find yourself avoiding important decisions to scale (restructuring, hiring, investments, brand collaborations/expansions) as you deep down feel that the pressure and responsibility is “too much” and you subconsciously think you may lose it all because you are operating in scarcity (aka creating risk aversion). You know what you need to do but you aren’t doing it.
You will sabotage on sales and contract negotiations because deep down you feel like a greedy and bad person, so you will always undersell yourself, never closing prices that you know that you really desire
You will delay price increases because you feel like you are taking advantage of people and are afraid of leaving people behind.
You may not even realize you are doing it because you are thinking that “you are doing everything” as you are still taking action in your business but nothing seems to “shift”.
You can thank your upper limit problem for this.
Remember, it’s not about what you logically want or “think you know”. You of course want more money and success. But what matters is what your subconscious program is running about money and success, that determines your behaviours aka current world reality
So when you are in “survival mode”…
Your brain is really smart and it will do anything to protect you. So no matter how much you consciously think you want success, your subconscious will block you from moving towards it, since your limited mental capacity is being completely used up trying to manage '“survival mode”.
This means you cannot take advantage of the opportunities that are right in front of you. Creativity, innovation, problem solving are all blocked.
So with my clients, we focus on reprogramming that pain of success so it no longer exists. No longer keeps you trapped.
The truth is, you cannot reprogram upper limits without using working with your subconscious mind through hypnosis.
And once these upper limits are removed ..,
This is how my clients break into next income levels, 2-4x their revenue, scaling to up to 9 figures.
"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same."
In any case, if you are ready to finally breakthrough to your glass ceiling and decide plateaus are no longer for you, you can apply to work with me HERE.
I will build a custom mindset strategy to map out all of your current blocks with a surgeon like quality to get to your unique root problems. Then with my Mindset Currency™ framework using hypnosis and other neuroscience techniques, we will reprogram your money and success blocks to accelerate your success.