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- Your Glass Ceiling Problem (Part 3 - Money Edition)
Your Glass Ceiling Problem (Part 3 - Money Edition)
The most common and surprising one...
Happy Saturday Friends!
Let’s finish up the series on your GLASS CEILING PROBLEM (Part 3 - Money Edition).
This final one is arguably the most common one that impacts the WEALTHIEST entrepreneurs I work with, when they seem to find themselves unable to break into their “next big level.”
This one will surprise you.
This is the story of a classic upper limit block around your self worth but specifically in relation to IMPOSTER SYNDROME (even in my clients scaling to 9 figures!!!).

Listen, I know you may be thinking okay... we all experience imposter syndrome but I have literally seen this cost my clients 7 FIGURES IN DEALS. It's not a classic "money block" per se but it will impact your ability to create your next level = more money.
So even though you have generated amazing success you still feel like:
it’s a fluke
it’s not going to last
you still doubt yourself, lacking confidence
that you will never be like your peers at the next level
you feel intimidated being around more successful people, like a fraud, like who are you to?
feeling doubt that you will be able to generate that kind of success again when starting a new venture/industry
And so on ..
You feel small. Not as good as. You feel always less than.
This impacts your confidence.
This will influence your ability to create and go after bigger opportunities (aka you won’t). This of course will impact how fast your scale.
Some examples my clients have experienced before working with me:
Leaving 6 and 7 figure contracts for brand expansions in their inboxes, in fear they can’t deliver because they have failed before and they were worried about their reputation
Lost their first million dollars and regained it back but had a hard time keeping it due to money programs feeling “unworthy and undeserving” of their success (still doesn’t feel like they are successful)
Undercharging for services and in negotiations. Fearful they were unable to deliver the value at the elevated price point or didn’t believe they could be paid at that price point.
Almost getting the next big deal and it ALWAYS falling through
Feeling small when in rooms with big names, not creating opportunities and relationships necessary to scale
Comparison to others is so high (scrolling on social, comparing to your wealthier colleagues), so you give up before you even start on certain projects because you will never get to “that level” and they are already “doing it better”, so what’s the point …
So the bigger the jump into the “next level”, the more your mind is going to block you. The most difficult it’s going to feel …
So you stay stuck.
You literally have decided it’s not going to work since you are not good enough to make it happen. You fear failure deep down.
It literally blocks opportunity because you don’t see yourself at that level.
And you need to see yourself “there” to have the confidence to find the strategy to create the opportunity.
Creating the opportunity = larger chances of creating next levels of success.
Isn’t it crazy to realize that you aren’t generating the level of success you want all due to a small, little belief about yourself…
Remember, when it comes to your subconscious, it’s not logical. You of course want more money and success. But what matters is what your subconscious program is running about money and success, that determines your behaviours aka current world reality.
So when you have low self worth, you cannot take advantage of the opportunities that are right in front of you. You just won’t.
So with my clients, we focus on reprogramming low self worth (imposter syndrome included) so it no longer exists. No longer keeps you “held back” in self sabotaging behaviours that prevent your next level.
The truth is, you cannot reprogram upper limits without using working with your subconscious mind through hypnosis.
And once these upper limits are removed ..,
This is how my clients break into next income levels, 2-4x their revenue, scaling to up to 9 figures. Also they are way happier entrepreneurs, feeling fulfilled and finally enjoying life.
“People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be.”
In any case, if you are ready to finally breakthrough to shift your identity and breakthrough your glass ceiling, you can apply to work with me HERE.
I will build a custom mindset strategy to map out all of your current blocks with a surgeon like quality to get to your unique root problems. Then with my Mindset Currency™ framework using hypnosis and other neuroscience techniques, we will reprogram your money and success blocks to accelerate your next level success.