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- The Key to Reprogramming Your Mind for Life Changing Results
The Key to Reprogramming Your Mind for Life Changing Results
There is a reason why my millionaire clients use hypnosis to get an edge.
Hypnosis helps them reprogram and build an heir mind to:
make more money
breakthrough upper limits of success
enjoy better, more fulfilling relationships
to finally reach peace, contentment and true happiness
Even self actualize.

Let’s dive deep on the truth on why hypnosis works and the key to reprogramming your mind for results…
Let’s start at the beginning
Children are mainly operating in theta brainwave states
Approximately from the ages ~ 0-7
This is why children believe they can be and do anything
Imagination and creativity off the charts
Flying through space as an astronaut
Playing doctor, saving lives
Being superheroes
Children are very connected to their inner world
So it’s important to note that theta brain waves are used to access the subconscious mind
Which is exactly what we do in hypnosis
You can re-enter theta states in which your original programs were created
Here you can eliminate old ones and create new, empowering beliefs for your future which I will get back to ..
So of course, these formative years your subconscious mind is being built
This is what determines your programs around money love, success
These programs are determined by:
your parents/primary caregivers
society (school system, church, city)
The rules of your life are learned. Based on what you hear. observe. feel.
Which creates your belief (operating) system
You don’t question it because you don’t know better
Ultimately this forms what you believe you are capable of and what is available to you. As everything you have is a byproduct of what you believe you are worthy and capable of at this very moment.
Your self perception AKA YOUR REALITY
As many of you already know, your beliefs shape your emotional states that lead to behaviours behaviours
So these learned based beliefs (positive and negative) are then practised as children.
You know anything practised becomes natural.
Repetition reinforces & strengthens it.
You start memorizing behaviours.
So without even knowing it, people have been practicing:
people pleasing
fear of failure
low self esteem
self doubt
and other self sabotaging behaviors for decades..
What you may not understand is that these behaviours are protective mechanisms.
You do these behaviours so that you can be …
Validated & accepted
To ultimately feel good enough & loved.
So you will do anything to get it.
So after decades of thinking a certain way, you brain has created a hard wired signature, “a way of thinking”.
You think it’s your identity
When really it’s a set of extremely memorized behaviours
Imaging trying to erase that?
Especially when you brain thinks it’s trying to protect you?!
It’s extremely difficult to break
So your beliefs = Your behaviours = you reality
The common mistake & where most people go wrong is that they try to change their behaviour
But what they need to do is shift their beliefs which runs much deeper
Your beliefs reside in your subconscious mind
So this is why you must reprogram your subconscious mind.
Hypnosis temporarily relaxes the conscious mind, allowing you to access theta brain wave states
Here you are more open to positive, empowering suggestions that aligned with your motivations
Embedding new beliefs through neuroplastocity.
This leads to behaviour change in your real world
My clients consistently see dramatic changes in
Negative self talk
Emotional outbursts
In 1-4 weeks, like clockwork.
They almost can’t believe it and it never fails to surprise me either
Next we can’t just overwrite with “new beliefs”
You have to clean up the junk as well
All the anchors holding you down
I remove specific limiting beliefs holding you back
No, we do not do this by chanting affirmations or forcing yourself into delusional thinking
I locate the root event with precision for my clients
Another error that people make when trying to reprogram their mind is that they think the root cause is an event later in life
But the truth is we are looking for is hidden, repressed deep within your subconscious.
You need to find the decision point. THE IS THE GOLDEN TICKET.
The location of this is crucial for a transformative shift
The point in your childhood in which you CHOSE the following was true ..
you are unworthy
you are not good enough
you are incapable
you are a loser
you are dumb
you aren’t that special
you are greedy
you are selfish
you are unlovable
(I think you get the point…)
In which you UNCONSCIOUSLY decided this was now true. The decision was was a CHOICE.
Since you never want to feel that pain in your life ever again
You then created a limitation in your life
And this is now holding you back from breaking out of self sabotaging patterns where nothing changes so you can take massive action towards your next level
Sign you are blocked?
Some examples:
You want more money but you always seem to sustain it or lose out at the last second
You want more success but you always procrastinate
You want the loving relationship but you always date the unavailable partner
You overextend, so that people don’t get upset with you
But the problem is that most people cannot find the decision point. Most people cannot even remember anything earlier than the age of 12. But if you don’t reprogram the right moment, the limiting beliefs will continue to persist.
So how do you shift & make changes permanently?
You have two choices:
Repetition: Long & Painful process (often you won’t find the correct root cause so it may not be ultra effective)
Hypnosis: Fast but Technical With Hypnotherapy
We rewire the root cause through:
Positive suggestion
Dissociative techniques
The goal? Transforming Pain to Pleasure so you can create NEW BEHAVIOURS.
Behaviors are the downstream of your identity.
Behaviors are your reality.
If you are ready to reprogram your maladaptive behaviours that are impacting your greatest potential for success and happiness, book a call HERE.
If you aren’t ready to fully jump in, you can dip you toes in and TRY HYPNOSIS HERE. I've crafted a recording just for you – aiming to rev up your confidence in reaching new levels of success. Give it whirl for 21 days.
As always, here is a quote to ponder ..
The real you, the you that is free from all the conditioning of the mind is the witness that is always present.