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How to Level Up in Every Area of Your Life
7 Steps to Win & Manifest Anything (Like Clockwork)
Manifest, create .. whatever you want to call it…. I am sharing a formula with you today that works like clockwork.
To preface, today’s mini training is a mix of science (subconscious) + energy (metaphysical).
This i the exact formula I have used to accomplish:
a secure attachment with a conscious partner
making more money & experiencing serious success
legitimately being confident, happy while dropping anxiety & insecurities for good (and I used to be anxious AF).
To get what you want, your next level, you typically go through an Uplevel and let me tell you from my own personal experience, UPLEVELS are tough for a few reasons.
The main thing you have to understand about breaking through an uplevel is that the universe is testing your self worth. **I warned you, we are going to get a little WOO today but stick with me, this really works.
Your self worth = your perception = your identity
What you believe you are worthy of is a crucial concept to take into consideration because this is a MAJOR SUBCONSCIOUS BLOCK.
Blocks make this hard because you are wired to think that something is wrong with you, putting your self worth in question. That is why these kinds of self sabotaging loops are prevalent:
not good enough
self doubt
All self limiting programs that will determine whether you take action now or will you make some sort of excuse of why not now …
And here is the catch.
The universe is going HIT YOU HARD with tests as soon as you try and go after what you want, also known as triggers.
The are designed to make you feel scared and small.
So logically, what happens when you get scared?
You usually back down and literally fall back into the pattern of “how it’s always been” aka you don’t manifest what you want.
Let me help you end that cycle today!
Here are the 7 steps to navigate your next uplevel to win.
First, you have to get crystal clear on the pattern you keep creating
Look at the area of life you want to change.
Let’s take my old love life for example …
I used to always date the avoidant guy. Never emotionally available.
Even though all I wanted was a secure partner that was ready to build a life with me, I ALWAYS dated the one that never wanted commitment.
So why did I keep dating this type of guy? It honestly didn’t feel like I was choosing it but subconsciously, I was.
If we go back to childhood, my dad was emotionally unavailable. Very strict, asian dad, very little emotional expression. So my subconscious had programmed “unavailable” as “love”, as this was all that I knew. I learned subconsciously this was “safe” and remember, your brain SEEKS SAFETY.
So even though consciously I knew that it wasn’t as an adult, what I want you to remember your conscious logical mind is only 5%
Your subconscious has much more influence over behaviour, as it is 95% of your mind so you will continue to self sabotage if your program is flawed.
This is also what I believe was available to me. I would also identify with it(AKA DEFEND MY LIMITING BELIEF) when it would happen (confirmation bias) and ultimately accept this as my fate.
For more context, some common patterns I have seen in clients ..
If it’s love = never commits, always cheats, gaslights, super avoidant, overly jealous, controlling etc.
If it’s money = can’t breakthrough to new income level, never get the promotion, never charge more, overspend, extremely frugal, “bad with money”
Find the pattern, this is essential.
Ps. this is what I help my clients to do with laser precision so you can reprogram your mind quick & get what you want in life.
Second, you have to get clear on what it is you want
You have to know what you want if you want to create it.
Simply put, no more playing small.
For example, in money & success often the imposter syndrome and fear of failure/rejection steps in and your brain tells you not to even think it, let alone share it with anyone.
So you literally don’t even allow yourself to say think about it.
Because if you fall on your face, it will be so embarrassing, everyone will be right and you might as well save yourself the trouble.
In love, if you always date avoidant people, you want to date secure people (there can be many variations here)
See this detrimental loop keeps you stuck
So get crystal clear, you have to know where you are going.
Third, recognize what has to change
Now, take inventory and be brutally honest with yourself. What needs to change? What new behaviours are required in light of your new goals?
If you always date avoidant people, you want to date secure people.. you want to focus on NOT ignoring red flags, checking to see if their words & actions align, you don’t accept sh*tty communication or start making excuses for them right off the bat ..
If you want more money, you need to raise your prices, apply for the promotion or new roles, sign with the national brand, get new investors, launch a new product/service/expansion etc.
Find the aligned action you need to take.
Start building your roadmap.

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Fourth, the Universe will Test You
Now this is where it gets “hard”.
Reprogramming your mind with hypnotherapy is essential here as it's the fastest road to changing your self perception = identity = self worth = behaviour change.
Once you reprogram your subconscious, the universe will start testing your new identity.
Usually, your “tests” will come in a series of 3, in very short succession. Sometimes as little as 24hrs and sometimes as long as a week but it will hit the same “root subconscious block”.
The scenarios can look different.
Money? Unexpected bills. Deals slipping through your fingers. Low Sales Month. Parking tickets. Unexpected bills. Negotiation on a promotion but it’s less than you want.
Love? Partners that are so close, check everything on the list, feelings almost intoxicating shiny dangling carrots but missing the ONE thing you want aka all are emotionally unavailable, not ready for relationships
Nothing is what it seems. Trust me, I have held clients through these moments and they want to just accept whatever is there but this is why most people never level up.
Fifth, the Litmus Test
This is the critical question you must ask yourself & train yourself to navigate with conviction.
Are you settling for less than you want?
Is it a shiny dangling carrot, the same old pattern (**trauma**) dressed up shiny & new?
It it’s money, you will do it out of desperation, lack, fear there won’t be more.
If it’s love, you will do it out of desperation or needing the validation, fear that there won’t be more.
You subconsciously are telling yourself that:
you can’t do better
it’s not available to you
you don’t believe it’s out there
So your behaviours reflect that.
OF COURSE you cannot advance to your next level of life. YOU ARE TRAPPED.
And although mind is spiralling out and your emotions are on a freaking rollercoaster ..
It’s a very simple answer.
If the answer is “yes I am settling”, then the opportunity is a big fat NO.
This is required to strengthen your identity in the new reality you want to create.
You have to choose something different.
It will feel scary and hard
Almost as if you can’t
This is the point of breakthrough, in which you must.
Usually it’s saying NO to what feels “almost right”.
You are communicating to the universe that you are worthy of more!
Sixth, Enter the Void
This is where things get quiet
Usually shortly after .. there is a period of silence aka the VOID
You wonder if you:
made a mistake
missed out
or should go back
Your old ways of thinking will crop up but stay strong and keep building momentum in your new identity
Sometimes its days, sometimes it’s a few months but then …
Seventh: Welcome to Your Next Level

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Your “manifestation” or dream opportunity arrives.
Welcome to your next level
You have created a new baseline for your self worth and of the life you are worthy and deserving of.
You are moving up in the proverbial game of life.
Now Rinse and repeat.
Note: if you do happen to “fail the test”, aka you settle, don’t worry, you get to PLAY AGAIN
It’s okay, we will all end up here sometimes.
Sometimes you need to “run into the fire” multiple times to learn the lesson but the more awareness you get, the more you won’t be able to ignore the fact that you are actively choosing to NOT have the life you want

Here we are again.
You just gotta do something different.
Different behaviours come from a different identity.
As always, a quote for you to ponder:
Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today
PS. If you are interested in upleveling fast, this requires your identity to shift ASAP. Hypnotherapy targets your identity specifically which is how I help my clients achieve multi millions in wins, better relationships and happier personal fulfillment.. Curious? Book a free strategy call HERE.