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- Master 4 Levels of Mindset
Master 4 Levels of Mindset
Cultivate An Incredible Mind
I did my best to keep this as short & sweet as possible …
So to kick it off, you have to understand that I was asleep for the first 29 years of my life.
At 29, I got divorced, as I felt “stuck” in a sexless, codependent marriage with a drug addict.
I had crippling insecurities, felt ugly & always worried if people thought I was stupid (legitimately would doom spiral over something I said for an entire day day)
I was quitting jobs every 3 months, thinking the next job would be better but it never was.
I was living under the pressure of my parents to “finally become successful”. since I didn’t go into science (what they deemed as success) and I didn’t marry a rich, asian man or really anything they told me to do. In their eyes, I was always failing.
I thought those were my problems.
But those were not the real problems.
The problem was that society conditioned me incorrectly.
My programs were wired wrong. Especially around love and money...
I am living subconscious patterns and I didn't even know it.
Now my life looks a lot different…

I am in a conscious, loving, supportive relationship focused on growth (massive bonus is that he lives in Miami, I love it there!)
I have 2 businesses both generating multi-6 figs.
I am finally that “successful child” but don’t really care what my parents think anymore.
Most importantly I stopped caring what anyone thought about me.
I finally feel at peace. I now allow myself to be happy without negative thoughts that used to lead to maladaptive self sabotaging patterns, keeping me from the life I truly desired.
I no longer felt dumb or overanalyzed everything I said.
I am incredibly confident. I rarely have anxiety.
I escaped the survival mode & validation loops and created new identity aka a my new, amazing reality.
I now get after life in a whole new, empowered way.
So how did I achieve this? HYPNOSIS
Through hypnosis I was able to access a new level of life (consciousness) bu reprogramming my mind and that is exactly what we are going to talk about today..
Here are the different levels of mindset to achieving your highest self (aka the life you truly want WHILE feeling peace, contentment and fulfillment):
Level 1: Breaking free from learned expectations
Most people never leave the matrix aka the trap of society’s conditioning…
To get married. Buy the house. Have kids. Lots of money in the bank. Be successful. Never have debt.
AKA the perfect life
But many have this and are still miserable
Here is how you are programmed:
Success: straights a’s, win gold, get into good schools, my family said medicine was the only way
Money: marry rich, save, never have debt, buy a house, you can’t do what makes you happy, you won’t make money
Relationships: never divorce, “till death do us part” etc (so never leave, no matter what or else you are a bad person, something is wrong with you)
Being told your dreams are not realistic, you aren’t talented enough (this list could go on)
So you learn that anything outside of this feels WRONG.
That if you don’t have this, you will be unhappy.
So you will do ANYTHING (subconsciously) to get it.
You life feels like a chase for more, as you are caught in a survival/validation cycle that never stops.
Every time you reach a new milestone, you think you will feel different but you never do.
You believe it’s always been this way (The same patterns keep showing up in your life in relationships & money)
You are very reactive: have a hard time controlling your emotional states - anxiety spirals, overthinking, scarcity
You are hypercritical and judge others constantly
You people please, will do anything to be liked
You over explain, feeling the need to prove something or “be right”
You like drama, always caught in it
You feel very unfulfilled, no matter what you have
Key Action: Take inventory of your life (money, relationships, success). Identify the rules that you grew up and see if they match how you are living today (aka your subconscious program).
This is the awareness stage
Level 2: Identity Crisis, Learning to Trust Yourself
Now you are in a new level of awareness, realizing that you were living by the rules of your parents and society
You have a WTF moment. Your model of the world is being ROCKED. Creating cracks in the matrix.
You start to realize that all your self sabotaging behaviours are learned and you of course want to stop them.
At this stage is where you have to remove limiting beliefs that are holding you back (this is specifically what do with my clients to unlock their greatest potential, see if you qualify here).
The major realization is that these beliefs are NOT YOUR IDENTITY. You have been living out other peoples beliefs, like a robot. Making unconscious choices that reflect what you learned/the programs you have.
The cool thing is that these programs can be changed
This is the first emergence of self trust. You start to recognize you can choose for yourself. A different reality. You can see that it’s available but don’t quit believe it’s available to you.
Since you have been practicing seeking validation your entire life, this space feels wobbly (and that is okay).
You start to question everything
You start creating boundaries
Indecision starts to ease off (*self trust starts to emerge)
You may feel scared to make changes, as you fear uncertainty
You may feel frustrated & anger since you know you are capable of more
There is a lot of mental friction & resistance at this stage (you know better but can’t control your emotions & shift your behaviour)
Key action: Notice your thoughts & the emotion you assign them.
A great question when you have a negative thought: WHO SAYS? It will often be you or the voice of one of your primary caregivers.
This is the observation phase.
Level 3: Individualism, Exploration, Creating Rules
This is where it gets fun!
But also you aren’t quite sure what to think because you haven’t been here before.
Some worry that they have lost their edge or if it’s “bad” since they are feeling so relaxed but the truth is you are now free from limitations
You are no longer in survival mode.
You can now have a clearer, more quiet mind.
Choosing thoughts.
You start to build a new identity, exploring new beliefs, truly discovering who you really are
No longer taking action for others.
This is about YOU now. You get to make the rules now (WOO).
You start feeling more happiness & worthiness but …
A little wobbly because this is a next level installation of true self trust now.
Decisions for the self.
You feel free to be seen in a new way, silly, fun, no longer trying to be “perfect”
You care less about what people think
You understand money & success are a byproduct of you, not your identity
Less worried about what you will say, speaking freely
You start enforcing boundaries
You start creating your own rules & behaviours
Negativity fades away in a big way, normalizing failure and rejection
You start thinking about & creating new opportunities for yourself (and start going after them)
You are going against the grain, okay if people don’t like you or your ideas
You feel genuine happiness for other’s success, showing you what’s possible
Less mental friction, dramatically less resistance
You stop feeling like a victim, as you actively start making new empowered choices for your future
You understand momentum & timelessness
You are learning to be present
Key Actions: Focus on what you can control. Leave the rest
Also start changing your circle. It's vital you find people who have the life (aka beliefs) that you desire.
You will alway fall to the weakest limiting belief you hold. So your brain needs to be supported by new evidence to confirm your new beliefs & your environment can 10x this phase.
This is the integration phase.
Level 4: Self Actualization, New Identity, Detachment
You are finally free. True peace, fulfillment and contentment.
No matter what.
Nothing is a big deal.
You stop chasing & feeling this perpetual “you are not there yet”
Old limiting beliefs no longer feel true.
You don’t give a F what people think because you are so certain of yourself
You have created a new self perception, feeling extremely confidence in yourself
You trust & believe you are capable of anything
You actually love yourself
You have created a new identity and a new life
Your quality of life has 100X
You never knew life could feel this way
You feel in total control of your future.
It is easy to be PRESENT (RARELY any anxiety fear or doubt)
You deeply feel good enough, zero comparison or judgement
You easily can observe multiple perspectives at one time
You stop taking things personally
You have extreme EQ, feeling very grounded, mastered your internal locus of control
You respond with resolve, clarity and empowerment to the world around you
Money & Success do not define you
You no longer feel you have to prove yourself to be validated
You have clear boundaries, no longer settling for less
You have a deep level of acceptance, navigating uncertainty with ease
You feel serious abundance
You can see others for their identity, not just their projections & behaviour (since you can see yourself quite clearly, it’s easier to see others)
Your relationships improve dramatically, your success increases (more risk tolerant)
FULL EMPOWERMENT (rarely in victimhood)
You understand every choice you make in your life, for your future & feel true empowerment behind each one.
Aka anything & everything is possible.
Key Action: Continue to expand your model of the world by training your mind.
Train it via hypnotherapy to keep evolving your next level identity & keep you EQ super sharp to keep breaking through to your next levels of life while retaining peace, fulfillment and serious happiness.
As always a quote for you to ponder
Accept no one’s definition of your life: define yourself
PS. If you are interested in cultivating an incredible mind, designed for unreasonable success, fulfillment & happiness, this requires your identity to shift ASAP. Hypnotherapy targets your identity specifically which is how I help my clients achieve multi millions in wins, better relationships and happier personal fulfillment.. Curious? Book a free strategy call HERE.