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- Move from Scarcity to a Serious Abundance Mindset
Move from Scarcity to a Serious Abundance Mindset
Codie Sanchez knows ..

If you don’t know Codie, she is a rockstar entrepreneur worth ~$18 000 000.
And she’s right. Abundance mindset is SUPER LEGIT.
I am not talking about woo woo affirmations or shock collaring yourself into thinking positively ..
No today, I am going to give you the most important mindset shift to dial your mind to serious success, wealth & happiness.
The first thing you need to understand is that having an abundant mindset is not just about money. It’s way more than that. It’s the lens in which you colour your world.
But before we dive in, most people are “thinking” incorrectly, which ultimately costs them a lot of time & money.
If you feel that …
resources are limited aka if someone has more money and success, there is less for you
money might runs out
opportunities are hard to come by
This is a scarcity mindset BIG TIME.
But if you view the world as though:
there is more than enough to go around
opportunities are endless
money is everywhere
PRO MINDSET TIP: There is a difference between "knowing"about an abundant mindset and actually deeply "HAVING" an abundant mindset.
The latter you can feel that it is true, zero doubts about it. This is exactly what I help my clients achieve so they can take massive action that breaks them into their "next level."
Here is what you need to know to build this:
RESOURCES ARE SIMPLY NOT SCARCE (even though society teaches us that they are). The truth is:
Money is being printed everywhere
People buy and sell every second of the day
There is literally SO MUCH MONEY in the world
There are billions of people who could buy from you
There are literally a million opportunities to make money (ENDLESS)
Bottom Line: You are never losing out if there is always more.
Abundant people hold a belief here is always more, opportunities for wealth are UNLIMITED (because they are)!
Here are the 3 reasons why this leads to amplified success & more money
If you truly believe that there is endless opportunity & money, upon failure you would easily get back up and find the next awesome door (aka opportunity)to open .
If you truly believe that there is endless opportunity & money, you wouldn’t worry about losing out, since there is always more which reduces fear & anxiety naturally.
If you truly believe that there is endless opportunity & money, you would take larger risks (aka massive action) more frequently, increasing your chances for "luck""
This way of thinking is ESSENTIAL for entrepreneurs.
This is not about "thinking differently" but requires you to "believe differently".
It goes much deeper.
This is the belief system shift that creates a lens of accelerated, sustainable success for you.
Training your mindset to tick this way permanently is a baseline foundation for creating insane success - fast. You have to train yourself to lean into the mindset of POSSIBILITY.
New possibility creates the potential for a new reality (which is what you want).
So some key tips for you:
Train your mind to look for possibility and opportunity
Surround yourself with others who also share an abundance mindset to normalize this way of thinking
Reprogram scarcity through hypnosis (see if you qualify to work with me HERE)
You must be in acceptance of where you are now, knowing that you are also moving towards more (vs. looking at everything you don’t have not or yet. Remember what you focus on expands).
I have also included a FREE GIFT for you. Here is a free mini training on building an Abundant Mindset HERE.
A quote for you to ponder as always:
We don’t create abundance. Abundance is always present. We create limitations.
Love Kyra x