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- Nuances of Mindset to Master
Nuances of Mindset to Master
For the Entrepreneur Striving for Personal Excellence
Getting rid of your limiting beliefs will feel uncomfortable at times.

As your mindset evolves, there are specific milestones that will feel uncomfortable as your brain undergoes a radical shift from what you once considered true (your limiting beliefs) to your newfound, enhanced reality.
These subtleties are challenging to express explicitly, but they are unmistakable to those who are on the journey of striving for personal excellence or have finally attained this level of mindset.
Here are some common sticking points that I frequently observe in my clients, navigating this new level of consciousness & ultimately life.
Not Giving a Fuck vs. Being Anchored
“Not Giving a F*ck”
This can be an excellent way of operating in this world.
As long as it’s not rooted in survival
How do you know if it is?
The telltale sign is that you are typically very defensive.
You ultimately don’t want to be hurt, so naturally you have massive defenses up.
You likely “don’t give a f*ck” but you hold this outlook because you are driven by the fear of if you did give a fuck.
Because you normally end up getting the short of the stick. It would make you weak. A fool. A loser. (subconsciously)
Resentment and anger still simmer beneath the surface, creating a sense that the world is against you.
Here, things genuinely do not bother you.
You don’t give a f*ck.
Your past no longer casts a shadow on your future, and you find inner peace, so very little can rattle you.
Shitty circumstances and people, can’t touch you.
You don’t have any outstanding subconscious need for validation, so you genuinely don’t worry.
Your internal locus of control is very anchored in your self-worth, your values & your perception of the world, it’s very hard to rattle you.
Lazy vs Deserving
No one wants to be lazy
Although the idea of “lazy” promotes thoughts of being a loser, pathetic, and just downright shameful.
But since most people are operating in survival, there is often confusion around laziness vs rest
Rest is vital and has nothing to do with laziness.
Reprogram that.
There is a belief that if you didn’t earn it, you don’t deserve it
That you give yourself a hard time if it happens to come easy (like wtf seriously?!)
“Earning things” is not always necessary
Yes you can earn it
But also you can let it come easily
Crush that destructive, PROVING cycle.
You don’t need to prove anything.
You accept that it doesn’t have to be hard (not a pre-requisite)
It can come easy and if it does, it doesn’t defile your character.
You can easily find comfort in rest knowing that you don’t need to “earn it”.
You can choose.
You can earn it in some cases.
But you are still deserving regardless of the effort.
You are deserving of good things.
It’s not conditional.
Struggling vs Challenging
Struggling involves feeling like you're subjecting yourself to unnecessary hardships, almost as if you wear “struggle” as a badge of honor.
Again this story of “if you didn’t kill yourself, you didn’t earn or deserve it”
Why do you have to struggle to succeed? Where did you learn that?
Answer = “proving energy”
To prove you are worthy & deserving.
How boring. Do something better with that energy.
Life is inherently filled with challenges, but it doesn't mean you have to endure constant struggle.
With emotional intelligence, you can navigate these challenges while retaining a sense of inner peace and freedom.
The challenges aren’t going anywhere
How you navigate the challenges will change the trajectory of your success & quality of life
Your choice
Selfish vs. Confidence
Selfish behavior entails putting yourself first without any regard for the impact on your environment.
It often manifests as a desire to take advantage of others, desperate attention-seeking and exudes negative energy as it all seeps from deep insecurities and trauma.
Don’t be an asshole.
This is confusing for most and the hardest because you may begin to lose people when:
You start saying no
You start creating boundaries
With this renewed sense of self-worth, people may view you as selfish.
Possibly even self-centered, ego-centric.
But this is the kind that is necessary in the pursuit of excellence.
Putting yourself first is done with a focus on your desires, needs & well-being, and you recognize that prioritizing yourself benefits everyone.
By doing so, you can show up selflessly and have a more profound impact on both yourself and others.
And trust me, you will always be supported and aligned with new individuals at your new level of life.
You will have more space as the unaligned individuals fall off or take up less of your energy.
Easy vs Ease
It's essential to acknowledge that most things are not easy.
But once again, the association with struggle is incorrect.
New things are hard until you master them. It’s a simple fact.
You are learning and just because you aren’t perfect right away, does not mean you have to necessarily have a “struggle story”.
You can adapt more readily to change, finding a sense of calm in the process because you're no longer in a constant state of survival or panic.
Again, it may not be easy but you can find ease while navigating challenging.
You can discern between discomfort vs inability (ps. this is where most give up)
This will give you the upper hand.
Your mind’s ability to discern between these mental nuances gives you the keys to empowered, high-level choices in each moment of your life.
The series of these decisions with your new reprogrammed mind is the unlock you have likely been waiting for.
My clients all say they wish they had done the work sooner. How they live and experience the world is a complete 180 for the better.
Ready to elevate your consciousness & break through your upper limits of success? START HERE
“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”
Ps. Want to try hypnosis? Boost your confidence HERE.