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Reprogram Money Mindset Blocks (4 Steps)
Avoid Money Subconscious Sabotage
Reprogram your Money Mindset Blocks in 4 Simple Steps
I used to think money mindset work was this magical solution to breaking into new levels of wealth. It was always extremely elusive but here is the thing …
Money work is a very real solution to break into & sustain new income levels but it’s not magic.
And I promise that today’s mini training will include zero fluffy affirmations or using cups of money to quantum leap & “manifest” money … or whatever other nonsense you may have seen on the internet 🙃
We are going to get into the real money work. (Noticed I said WORK).
Money blocks are the reason why you aren’t making or sustaining the wealth that you want to be and I have seen this impact even 7 figure entrepreneurs that I have worked with.
So first, there are 2 kinds of money blocks that will impact your financial reality:
Core Money Programs
Upper Limit Blocks
Today we are going to look at #1. Core Money Programs.
Your money programming is set from a very young age (0-7) which shapes your financial reality
This creates your MONEY IDENTITY (lives in the 95% of your subconscious mind) aka your habits and behaviours around money. Your behaviours around money will determine your financial reality.
What you need to understand about money work is that the biggest hurdle you will face is UNLEARNING the beliefs that you have about money.
Here is the reason why unlearning old money programs is so hard … even though everyone “consciously” wants more money, most people have a very toxic relationship with money.
Think about it .. the most common emotions associated with money is FEAR, SHAME AND GUILT. You are essentially in SURVIVAL with money (even when you have a lot of it. This is why it never feels enough no matter how much you make… like it might run out)

Signs of a money block: Even when you have money, it never feels enough AKA MONEY STRESS!
If you are anything like my clients, you grew up with one or more of these scenarios:
Conflicts & parents fighting around money
Living paycheque to paycheque
Grew up with very little, poverty, scarcity
Fear around debt, struggling to pay bills
Shame or guilt if you came from money, that you should hide it because people will want something from you
Struggling to earn, lots of hard work, missing time with family
If your primary caregivers had a fortune and lost it all
Be “comfortable” but luxury was shamed
Overworking, underpaid
These are the exact programs that can subconsciously sabotage your financial reality. These programs lead to these “money block” symptoms:
Feeling irresponsible with money
Feeling the number in your account determines your worth aka confidence
Feeling guilty around “owing people”
Can’t seem to keep money aka overspending
Hard time being generous (extremely frugal)
Being afraid of debt
Feeling that money is hard to come by
Limitations on what you can earn
Struggling to increase prices
Hard time investing due to a scarcity mindset
Feeling guilt or fear around spending money on yourself
All this will influence these 5 money behaviours:
How you earn/receive (worth)
How you keep
How you spend
How you save
How you invest
These 5 money behaviours = your current financial reality. Remember: What you do with money is shaped by your beliefs.
So let’s dive another level deeper and explore the MOST common money BELIEFS. Common money beliefs that keep your income plateaued are:
You are bad with money
Rich people are entitled
Rich people are greedy just be "comfortable"
Always have "just enough"
Money is the root of all evil bad
Money doesn’t grow on trees
Money out faster than it comes in
Money changes people
Debt will ruin your life
Money will make you a bad person
You only have value if you make money
I think you get the point.
The reality is that these types of money beliefs hold you back. As humans, we do not move toward what we believe is bad/painful/fearful.
Take me for example …
Growing up my parents told me to save everything. That debt was the end of my life, especially on credit cards. To get a 6 figure salary. Benefits are the holy grail.
So what did I do?
I grew up saving everything, so fearful for my future that I wouldn’t have enough
I never had debt, I was afraid of it
6 figure salary was the epitome of success in my world and I always felt like a failure
I had a job with benefits
I believed this was the only way so it’s what I created..
But if I kept those beliefs, I wouldn’t have then gone to do this:
I liquidated my life savings 2 years ago into my first business and almost lost it all during the pandemic, now to have a multiple 6 figure business
I leveraged $80K of credit card debt to build a second multiple 6 figure business in less than 2 years (it’s also all paid off)
I make enough money where I no longer need benefits
6 figures feels very small now (vs. I used to think it was winning the lottery)
I didn’t know there was more available and even if I did, I didn’t believe I was capable of achieving it. So I didn’t create a new financial reality until I used hypnosis to reprogram my money mindset for a completely new reality and the same goes for many of my clients who have now 2-4x their revenue.
KEY QUESTION: So what money limitations do you need to overcome & what beliefs do you need to update for a new money story to change your money reality?
Here are 4 steps to get your started.
Write down money beliefs learned from your primary caregivers (mother, father, grandparents). Think carefully about the money stories that were predominant.
Again, really popular examples are money is bad. It’s the root of all evil. Rich people are greedy. Debt is the end of your world.
Make a column for each caregiver. Then write down each money belief in point form.
Now it’s time to take inventory. Go through the list and identify which ones trigger you emotionally.
TIP: Even if logically you don’t believe the belief, notice how it makes you feel. For example: Money doesn’t grow on trees. Well we all know that it doesn’t but does it make your body feel contracted? That is a sign of a subconscious block and associated with the belief that “money is hard to come by.”
Rate it out of 10 (10 being the most emotionally charged). These are the ones to focus on first as they are the most prevalent.
Write an opposite belief to the one listed.
I know it’s tedious but do it for each one.
Find evidence for that new belief in your world. Friends, colleagues, society etc.
If it exists that means it is also true. This is a new belief to embed.
For example, Debt is bad, scary etc. The truth is all the multi-millionaires I know I have plenty of debt. The difference is that they aren’t going into debt buying endless Chanel handbags. They are leveraging debt (remember: money is a neutral resource) to create more wealth.
You can begin to repeat these new beliefs right before bed. That is a time when you can access theta brain wave states (similar to when you are in hypnosis) to start reprogramming the 95% of your mind, your subconscious mind.
Remember: Your subconscious mind determines your identity which influences your behaviour. You cannot change your behaviour without addressing the root cause.
The goal with money mindset work is to create neutrality around money. It is not good nor bad. It is a neutral resources. Simply a tool.
When you can untangle all the negative emotions and beliefs around it, you have freedom to create the financial reality you desire as you are making empowered, clear and calculate choices with the money you have to create more.
As always, a quote to ponder.
“Remember that money will always match your mindset.”
Ps. If you are wanting to get specific support reprogramming your money mindset rapidly to hit your next income milestone faster through hypnotherapy, here is how we can connect:
Learn more about the Mindset Currency™ Program & Kyra HERE
Hypnotherapy Designed for CEOs: Design your winning CEO mindset. With multi-millions in client wins, I work with CEOs to cut burnout & stress by 50%+. Breakthrough mental bottlenecks, money blocks that create income glass ceilings. Boost your emotional edge & performance. Amplify success. Magnify happiness. Apply HERE.