Your Secret Weapon 💎

The underrated skill for sustainable success

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the biggest underrated skill for entrepreneurs.

If you can harness this secret weapon, EQ will give you the GREATEST CONTROL of your future success and I am going to share a 4 step framework with you.

If you are like many of my clients who start with me, they are on the emotional rollercoaster. Your emotions essentially run your business.

Let’s dive into how this is costing you money everyday.

Do you ever feel like your confidence and productivity are directly impacted by the results of your business?

For example, when things are going well, you are ultra productive, trailblazing ahead, feeling optimistic about your future.

But when things aren’t going well …

  • Low sales month

  • Challenges with your team and avoiding difficult conversations (not responding to emails, screen calling phone calls)

  • Falling into analysis paralysis regarding important decisions in your business (big contracts, restructuring, hiring, funding to name a few)

  • Stressing about money 24/7

  • Failed launches

You feel like a failure. You doubt yourself. You feel like it’s not working. This leaves you feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Mind goes into armageddon mode.

When your mindset is in the garbage, it’s impossible to operate to your maximum potential. You cannot think clearly. Not to mention the highs and lows are mentally & physically draining.

This often leads to:

  • Burnout

  • Stress & anxiety

  • Missed opportunities

  • Lost sales

  • Procrastination

  • Suboptimal decision making

  • Lackluster leadership

  • Stunted communication

Over time this is why entrepreneurs fail. The pressure & stress is too high. It’s not sustainable.

Building your EMOTIONAL EDGE is essential for decision making, problem solving, communicating, building stronger relationships, mental wellness and ultimately driving results.

This directly impacts your ability to handle stress & pressure and EXECUTE in your business effectively. This allows you to engage in:

  • High quality decisions, made from clarity, that impact the speed at which you execute to scale

  • Creative problem solving when you face challenges (which are inevitable)

  • Effective solution-oriented communication so that you can have difficult conversations because you aren’t in your head about the potential negative outcomes (people leaving, not liking you, not trusting you etc)

  • Building strong relationships with your team and vendors

EQ will give you the power to master your mindset so you are no longer impacted by your external circumstances.

You can self anchor & stay in control NO MATTER what challenges rise.

When you get off the rollercoaster, you naturally will have more energy.

More energy = greater execution = greater potential success.

So here are 4 simple tests to mastering EQ:

Level 1: Awareness

Notice your knee-jerk reactions (aka triggers) to your environment.

If you are not aware of your unconscious behaviours, you will just stay in high levels of reactivity.

This squashes your propensity for creative problem solving & innovation.

Pro tip: Notice what experiences trigger you. Common clues are if it seems like "it has always been this way" this is where the work lies for you. Begin to find the pattern. 

Practise awareness when these triggers occur and take note of the thoughts that come to mind.

Level 2: Observation

Next, you must learn to create a gap between your thought & emotions.

Now that you have the awareness to identify your thoughts, you can start to practise non judgemental awareness to observe your thoughts & emotions.

Your thoughts have no meaning until you assign it. This is a choice you make.

Unlearning is the key here.

This is an opportunity to explore where you learned that thought (ultimately where you chose to have this belief).

You must discover the source of the learned belief before you can recover a new belief & ultimately choice.

Pro tip: Ask yourself question "WHO SAYS?" This will help you discover the source of your learned thought & behaviour.

Level 3: Develop EQ

Increase the gap. This is where you can create a new choice.

Rewiring is key here.

Neutralize those old emotions with new perspective.

Build a new choice & belief.

This leads to new intelligence.

Pro tip: You want to imagine being a 3rd party here. When you can take a step back and observe the thoughts & emotions vs. being consumed by them, this automatically will give you a new perspective.

Your decision will be one that is more informed & responsive to the challenge.

Level 4: Control

No more knee-jerk reaction. Reactivity is minimized.

You now have the most control to respond to the challenges in your business.

You attain new clarity & feelings of calm & peace.

This increased baseline is the optimal state for problem solving & innovation when you can see yourself clearly in relation to your environment.

Pro-tip: Practise this skill daily for best results.

As always, here is a quote for you to ponder.

As much a 80% of adult “success” comes from EQ.

Daniel Goleman

Love Kyra x

Ps. If you are wanting more support, here is how we can work together

Hypnotherapy Designed for CEOs: Design your winning CEO mindset. With multi-millions in client wins, I work with CEOs to cut burnout & stress by 50%+. Breakthrough mental bottlenecks & income glass ceilings. Boost your emotional edge & performance. Amplify success. Magnify happiness. Apply HERE.