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- How to Stop Making Mental Errors
How to Stop Making Mental Errors
I can guarantee you are making all 3 of these!
If you want to become the smartest person in the room, keep reading …
First you have to understand that your brain only has so much capacity.
128bps to be exact.
But it’s being inundated with millions of bits of info every second.
As you logically can see, you are missing a lot of information CONSTANTLY.
Now, it’s also important to note that every person also has their own “model of the world”.
Essentially, how your perceive yourself and the world around you.
This is based on the programs you learned growing up, that create your current reality around:
So since your brain is being overloaded beyond capacity, it has to make sense of all the data, using it’s own filtration system, by doing these 3 things:
This creates your current perceived reality.
But since it’s based on only what you know & believe (your model of the world) it will 100% make errors (I don’t care how smart you are, you don’t know everything re: fixed mindset).
This is why two people can be having the “same experience” but experience something very different.

The flow from receiving data, how you process it that leads to your behaviour.
So let’s dive into these MENTAL “ERRORS”…
Let’s take an sculptor with a slab of marble.
Subjective Reality: He sees a sculpture
Objective Reality: It’s a slab of marble
Distortions can be powerful when used correctly (think crazy, high self worth that leads to massive action)…
But also can be disempowering if you have limiting beliefs that lead to extrapolating data incorrectly (based on your past) and you make those limiting beliefs bigger than they actually are.
So this leaves you making incorrect assumptions about your capabilities and ultimately your actions towards creating your desired future, so you self sabotage by procrastinating.
This is how you learn fast and efficiently.
Awesome right?
Well if you minimize the data and extrapolate incorrectly, you will make incorrect assumptions.
Assumptions = huge opportunity cost
Another fun example:
Whole Foods .. expensive groceries, right?
People generally make that assumption. So they never go in.
But not everything in that store is more expensive that at your local grocers.
I actually found my favourite chocolate bar on sale there the other day.
But if I assumed otherwise, I would have never found it.
Some common generalizations I see in clients:
Bad at sales
Rich people are greedy & selfish
“I am not good enough to become that successful”
ETC ETC (continue the BS playlist)
All due to a root event that created your limiting belief, that is now colouring your behaviour and life aka self sabotage.
Remember, you can only pick up information that matches your current model of the world.
You will actually LOOK FOR IT aka good old confirmation bias
So if the information doesn’t match what you believe about money and success … you automatically throw it out (without knowing it).
Imagine you had a $25K diamond encrusted Rolex in your closet but you didn’t’ know it was in there ..
You wouldn’t know to look for it.
So it would be missed.
(Ridiculous example I know but they tend to stick).
But you don’t know, what you don’t know. If you cannot see the opportunity, you can never create it.
In summary the 3 ways your brain will inevitable make errors are:
These mental errors can be very costly, especially if what you want to create is greater than your “current model of the world” (which is 100% of the time is).
The truth is 99% of the problems in your life are due to limiting beliefs you chose (aka learned) at a young age to protect yourself. To avoid pain, failure, rejection and consequence.
It's not real but you live your life like it is.
You have to break & continually expand your model of the world (belief structure) to reach new levels of consciousness, emotional intelligence and get in full control and ownership of your future.
This is precisely what I do with my clients who are scaling up to 9 figures with the power of hypnosis.
If you are ready to train your brain to unlock your greatest potential, book your call HERE.
As always here is a quote for you to ponder
To the degree we're not living our dreams, our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves.