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- Reprogramming Money Blocks Continued ...
Reprogramming Money Blocks Continued ...
Upper Limit Blocks Create Glass Ceilings
So apparently money mindset is a hot topic (huge open rates last week) so I will continuing giving you more of what you want 💸💸💸

Since I covered reprogramming the first type of money block last week (read here in case you missed it), today I will be covering UPPER LIMIT BLOCKS.
These ones are less commonly known but are CRUCIAL for entrepreneurs scaling rapidly.
The key difference is that core money blocks have to do with your relationship and behaviours with money but upper limits are the roadblocks to more money at your "next level"
You may be feeling as though your next level is:
So close but you can’t seem to breakthrough
You know what to do, but you aren’t doing it
You feel like something is holding you back, in the way
In essense, they are the reason why you aren’t breaking through to your next income milestone…
You have created a GLASS CEILING.
Elusive … I know. So let me break down it down.
Your glass ceiling gets created because you are in a SAFE ZONE.
Deep down, your brain has decided you are comfortable here (even though logically, you want more)!
So you will subconsciously self sabotage because the reality is that humans like comfort (even if it’s to their detriment). Think staying in the toxic relationship, even though you want a secure, loving partner but you never leave.
Remember, it’s not logical. You have a subconscious (95% of your mind) program that is corrupt that creates illogical behaviours.
So let’s dive into 3 ways you subconsciously sabotage your next level of success as a high performing entrepreneur as you move towards more MONEY, VISIBILITY and SUCCESS..
If you are already operating at burnout, overwhelm & high levels of anxiety ... The cost of success is too high.
Your relationships are likely hanging by a thread
You are exhausted, unfulfilled and miserable
You are losing the love for what you do
You can’t imagine creating more of this…
Your subconscious believes that with more success and money, means a linear correlation with the above states and you are already at max capacity. It feels like you can’t take it anymore.
On the flip side .. You are likely the most successful you have ever been and you have created a new comfort zone.
You worked so hard & sacrificed too much to get you to this level . A apart of you does not want to go through that again. The pain is too high.
In summary, the perceived sacrifice > potential benefit
You deeply don't feel worthy or deserving of your success
You question your value, no matter how much you generate
You compare yourself to others that have more
You feel like a fraud & imposter
The "who are you to" mentality
You are highly self critical
It never feels enough
It feels like a fluke
Essentially, you doubt that you are good enough nor capable enough to keep it going.
This blocks bigger opportunities for success.
You won't go after it because deep down, you lack the confidence too.
Subconsciously you have decided that you have already failed, so you don’t go for the insane opportunities.
The stop before you start mentality.
Your baseline safety is threaten (Maslow’s Hierarchy).
With more success comes with the potential of …
Leaving people behind
People no longer resonating with you
Greater judgement from friends and family (you only care about money, business etc)
All which can lead to greater isolation. Many entrepreneurs I know and work with at this level of success .. like them, you likely already feel pretty lonely.
That no one understands you.
The pressure is too high when it comes to sustaining success & all the responsibility that comes with it.
Every single decision has a huge ripple effect. Its all on you.
You fear that you may make a mistake.
Let other’s down.
You may lose it all.
There is too much to lose, so subconsciously you would rather not create it.
These upper limit subconscious blocks lead to self sabotaging behaviours such as:
Anxiety spirals
Low self esteem
Negative self talk
Analysis paralysis
Risk aversion & scarcity
All of this results in negative emotional states, leading to lower quality decision making, procrastination and lack of execution.
This obviously impacts the speed and velocity in which you will scale.
The truth is that there is a consequence of having more success. YOU DON'T ACTUALLY WANT IT.
Our brains will not move towards consequences, it stagnates or moves away.
You must remove this roadblocks in order to accelerate to breakthrough your next level.
Reminder: this has nothing to do with your logical, concept of what you want. Logic and reasoning = 5% of your mind.
It’s the 95% of your subconscious mind that creates your glass ceiling. This is why you self sabotage. A (big) part of you is not aligned with success.
KEY QUESTIONS: What is the consequence of getting what you want? What is the benefit of staying where you are? Make a list.
That will bring your biggest upper limit blocks into awareness.
To finally reprogram these blocks, the fastest way is through hypnosis.
You must rewire the root cause (from survival to growth) or else you will continue in the plateau.
This is how my clients start accessing new revenue opportunities of 5-7 figures within months, start having better relationships with loved ones, reduction of anxiety & burnout and overall a huge boost to their quality of life.
As always, a quote for you to ponder….
In my life I've discovered that if I cling to the notion that something's not possible, I'm arguing in favor of limitation.
Ps. If you are finally ready design your mindset to finally breakthrough your glass ceiling, book a call here. APPLY HERE. Hypnotherapy designed for entrepreneurs scaling to 7 and 8 figures. Multi millions in client wins (and they are all much happier too).